Creating a New Image

On a desktop/laptop, go to enter your login details and go to WildImage

Select the Create tab to begin a simple 2-step process:

1) Description - complete the basic information about your image:
• Provide an image name (e.g. ‘Museum Floor Plan’)
Browse to your image. It must be in a .jpg format. Check the size and dimensions of your image .jpg – it should be no bigger than ~1MB.
• Make sure your image is linked to a WildForm (this is set by default to ‘Personal Interest Point – PIP’)
• If you wish, you can enter some descriptive text (Description) and a Cover Image to represent your WildImage within your web account. You can also include an introductory audio clip (Intro audio). For the purposes of potentially sharing your image with the WildKnowledge community, you can identify which age groups/topic areas the image is intended for

2) Designated Interest Points (DIPs) - To create an interest point on the image, click on the link and three new tabs will appear:
Core Info - allows you to give the DIP a Caption (name), an Icon (click on the green circle and choose from the gallery) and some descriptive text (Description) about the location/object in question. The position field is completed by clicking on the relevant point on the image.
Media - enables you to attach multimedia information to the DIP such as audio (.wav files) and video clips (.mpg files). You can also link to web pages by typing in the URL and link to more than one image by adding additional images (.jpg files) in the Slides option.
Question – if you wish to set a multi-choice quiz, type in a question and provide a number of answers - tick the correct answer.

Add as many DIPs as required by choosing Save and add. You can also alter the information by selecting Save and edit, in this screen you can change the position of your DIPs by dragging them around. When you are finished, press Save to return to the My Images page. Here you can view the image in its entirety or share with others.

When you are satisfied the image is finished (you will probably want to test it on your mobile device first), go to the My Images page, click on the name of the image and choose the Share option. Tick the Publish option at the top of the page. This will enable non-admin users to download the image and upload data from it.